Serious about growing your businesses?

In this course you will learn how to shift your mindset to become a better entrepreneur

With jobs becoming fewer and fewer entrepreneurship is becoming the only really viable option if you want to own your future

But while starting and growing a business may seem relatively straightforward, most of the entrepreneurs we have supported in our work in over 83 countries are actually ill suited to be entrepreneurs. That's not because they lack ambition and dedication but rather because they were never taugh the right entrepreneurial approach to starting and growing their businesses.

In this course you will learn how to rewire your brain to become a more effective entrepreneur. Unlike the other courses on offer on this academy which are much more practical in nature (i.e. knowledge you can apply immediately) this course's aim is to get you to think about you as an entrepreneur.
York Zucchi

If you need HELP

Become a more effective ENTREPRENEUR today!

Meet your Instructor:

York has helped small businesses in over 83 countries

York Zucchi

In a career spanning 27 years across over 11 countries, creating projects & businesses that have impacted people's lives in over 83 countries, I'm one of the luckiest people I know: doing what I love most, which is making a difference.

I am passionate about leaving the world in a better state than we found it. To this end, I am involved in a number of initiatives, including the Global Centre for Unconventional Entrepreneurship. More specifically my expertise is on the topic of access to markets.

It is a science to know how to find clients; without those you don't have a business!

I've presented over 500 workshops, speaking engagements and seminars in this space over the last few years, to thousands of SMEs. The biggest live workshop which I did in 2020, had over 13.000 participants!

Together with my partners, I have done a lot of research and this course is really a culmination of all that knowledge, observations and experience for your benefit.

And in case you wonder if I am just a lecturer. No. Since graduating from University 21 years ago I’ve generated over USD 11m in direct sales and at least USD 420m in indirect sales (where I worked together with others). So when I speak about this topic I am speaking from foundation of results and experience as well as research.

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