Looking for some guidance on how to begin getting your business online?

Let us help you!

Starting a business isn't easy. On top that we are often overwhelmed when it comes to what digital tools we may need. We provide you with an overview of our favourite tools and services that will help you get your business up and running digitally.

Whether you are unsure of where to host your website, what social media platforms to use, or perhaps you need some help with learning about resources that aid in creating great visual design this course will provide you value.

Get your business online today!

Launch your website
Connect with your customers
Sell your products and services
Tell your story

Our Focus to Help YOU

Get your business online today!

This course is focused helping you get your business online today. 

This course will help demystify many practices and tools you will require getting your business online. You will have a better understanding of the necessary digital tools and services you'll need, the pros and cons of the tools, how to use them to connect with your clients and tell your story.

The lessons are practical, short and easy to understand. They will help you start your business's online journey. We've selected each tool and service ourselves using first-hand experience.

We'll give you the confidence to get your business online.

Watch Intro Video

What our course will cover

We want you to succeed

Course curriculum

an overview of all the lessons including free previews

    1. Welcome to your "Demystifying Digital Tools" course!

    1. An introduction to Domains

    2. How to choose the right domain registrar

    3. 3 things to watch out for when choosing your domain registrar

    4. Our recommendations when it comes to domain registrars

    1. Introduction to Domains

    2. Go Daddy

    3. Bluehost

    4. Host Gator

    5. Squarespace

    1. Introduction to email services

    2. Gmail

    3. Microsoft Outlook

    4. Yahoo Mail

    5. Zoho Mail

    1. Website Builders and our Recommendations

    1. Introduction to Social Media

    2. Facebook

    3. Instagram

    4. LinkedIn

    5. Twitter

    6. TikTok

About this course

  • Free
  • 34 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

Your Instructors

Martin Brown & Vuk Vucetic have helped hundreds of businesses

Vuk & Martin The Inch Guys

Just two regular rocket scientists of ecommerce who are sick and tired of people being taken for a ride. We are tinkerers, explorers, hackers and creators. We worked with hundreds of clients - from multinationals to the tiniest of startups so we know what works and what doesn't. If after the course you still need help feel free to ping us!


The course is our gift to you.

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