Meet Stephen, future CMO for MetroBank

Stephen’s challenges:
- Grow client base
- Generate measurable leads
- B2B and B2C sales (revenue)
- Positive brand awareness
How Stephen’s white label entrepreneurship academy meets these challenges:
- Word-of-mouth marketing in a growing target market
- Advertise directly to your customer base
- Drive revenue through quality leads
- A positive brand doing positive stuff for everyone
Stephen has a limited budget. He needs credit applications that qualify, at scale. And he needs them yesterday. It wouldn’t hurt his C-suite dreams if his efforts generated cross-sell revenue and positive brand traction.
Stephen knows the best way to deliver value, is to deliver value. Only 8% of MetroBank’s entrepreneurial and SME clients have a lending product at the bank. Stephen sees the potential in upskilling and supporting the customer base of entrepreneurs and SMEs – and suggesting the right products at the right time as they’re engaging with the brand.
Additionally, social media is blowing up with positive responses to the value that MetroBank Entrepreneur Academy and their lending products are adding to the lives of entrepreneurs, those they are employing, and the country’s economic growth. B2B and B2C sales are skyrocketing!
Stephen still can’t believe that he doesn’t have to worry about any of the background stuff – content creation or curation, IT platforms, or administration. All he has to do is sit back and watch MetroBank win. Oh – and prepare his promotion speech!