What can you expect from this course?

Course content

    1. What you can expect from this course

    2. A little background to your instructor

    1. Lesson 1 - Why relationships are interesting

    2. Lesson 2 - Projecting ourselves

    3. Lesson 3 - Growth and change

    4. Lesson 4 - Subcontious attraction

    5. Lesson 5 - Defining intimacy

    6. Lesson 6 - Vulnerability

    7. Lesson 7 - Preventing relationship problems

    8. Lesson 8 - Making time to connect

    9. Lesson 9 - Why growth is important

    10. Lesson 10 - Communication

    11. Lesson 11 - Connection

    1. Farewell message

About this course

  • Free
  • 14 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Your Instructor...

Jonti Searll

Jonti Searll is the creator of ErosLife. He has been working in the field of Conscious Sexuality for almost 20 years, creating healing processes, workshops and material that has helped many people create fulfilling experiences and relationships. To find out more about his work or accecss his amazing library of content and resources visit www.eroslife.co.za

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