Finding your first clients...

... feels impossibly hard!

Whether you are still in the idea phase or have just started, those early days are really tricky.

You don't have a track record yet, no happy customers that you could use as referrals and perhaps not even networks you can access. And funds are probably scarce :-)

So how do solve this? Each of you will have very specific circumstances so not always easy, but luckily others have been there. So we asked them.

Here is a collection (ever growing) of amazing people who shared their wisdom and knowledge for free for you to benefit from around what they did and what worked and what didn't work.

And if that helped we also have additional awesome free courses for you - links below at the bottom!

(And no. We don't know either why our CEO put a picture of himself wearing a costume)

Course curriculum

The questions you will find answers to:

    1. Alan Samuels

    2. Keneilwe Sarah Miffie

    3. Chris Rowland

    4. Tawanda Ndlovu

    5. Jameel Khan

    6. Thamendrie Vermaak

    7. Michael Nyenes

    8. Tshegofatso Motene

    9. Keith Jones

    10. Marelise Jacobs

    11. Phillip Kassel

    12. Harmony Botya

    13. Pierre Kriegler

    14. Qhubekani Maphosa

    15. Thatoyaone Moepetsane

    16. Babatunde Samuel Akinsola

    17. Vhuawelo Fortune Makhuvha

    18. Darryl Moss

    19. Dave Henderson

About this course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Need more help in finding clients?

Here are some of our other (free) courses for you
(Yes. We know. We are awesome :-)

  • Free

    How to find your first 10 customers

    A powerful course on how to find those crucial first 10 customers
    Click here to access this course
  • Free

    Find clients & grow your business

    This is our flagship course on helping you to find clients and get a foot in the door. This is a very practical course with tons of easy to implement free things you can do today to start generating leads. Access this course only if you're serious about finding clients.
    Click here to start this course now