What can you expect from this course?

Course content

    1. What you can expect from this course

    1. What Are The Symptoms

    2. Dependency vs Independency

    3. Problems Arising From Learned Helplessness

    1. Final Word - How To Parent a Learned Helpless Child

About this course

  • Free
  • 5 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Your Instructor...

Educational Psychologist and Family Negotiator Dr Ken Resnick

Dr. Ken Resnick, Educational Psychologist and Founder of the SmartChoiceParenting Programme, established in 2008. The SCPP programme is based on a phenomenological approach with an educative method. As an Educational psychologist at a co-educational school, Dr. Resnick found that the majority of learners diagnosed with barriers to learning exhibited the following tendencies: low motivation, lack of perseverance, opting out, fear of failure and a lack of will in accepting a challenge. These outcomes resulted in them forming a strong dependency on learning support, along with an accompanying feeling of low self-esteem. Dr. Resnick found a pattern of ‘learned helplessness’, which was also linked to children diagnosed with ‘barriers to learning’.

In Dr. Resnick’s research, these learners came primarily from homes where the parents were either lax, over-reactive or verbose in their discipline practices. Through Dr. Resnick’s studies, in evaluating the SmartChoiceParenting Programme for his Doctorate, Dr. Resnick found a strong correlation between parenting styles, and negative behavioural patterns in children, including children diagnosed with ‘barriers to learning’.

Dr. Resnick’s evidence based programme has shown that the quality of parenting is the key factor in the healthy development of the child. The SCPP focuses on the adult-child educative relationship in guiding a child to adulthood. In the training of all professionals qualified to assess, diagnose and make recommendations for learners, very little, if any emphasis is focused on the parent. Virtually all other evidence-based programmes are child-focused in that they attempt to assist the parent in dealing with a child’s inappropriate behaviour and have a more psychological approach. It seems that many professionals incorrectly inform parents that childhood disorders have nothing to do with the quality of parenting that the child receives and that many diagnosed disorders are genetic. Dr. Resnick’s experience with the SCPP, has found that parenting has everything to do with the manifestation of virtually all childhood disorders. This is what makes SCPP so different and effective.

Feedback from parents who have attended his workshop have been overwhelmingly positive. He has had success with learners diagnosed with disorders such as ADHD, ODD, Encopresis, enuresis, school refusal and Selected Mutism amongst others.

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