Implementing the Programme

A wonderful short course to assist parents needing to implement the different programmes to help better manage their child and minimise sibling rivalry.

What can you expect from this course?

Course content

    1. Introduction

    1. Roster

    2. Pocket Money

    3. Shop

    4. Toys

    5. Screen and TV

    6. Cellphone and iPad

    7. Manners

    8. Eating Out

    1. Homework

About this course

  • Free
  • 10 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Your Instructor...
Hi, I'm Dr Ken Resnick

Dr. Ken Resnick, Educational Psychologist and Founder of the SmartChoiceParenting Programme, established in 2008. The SCPP programme is based on a phenomenological approach with an educative method. As an Educational psychologist at a co-educational school, Dr. Resnick found that the majority of learners diagnosed with barriers to learning exhibited the following tendencies: low motivation, lack of perseverance, opting out, fear of failure and a lack of will in accepting a challenge. These outcomes resulted in them forming a strong dependency on learning support, along with an accompanying feeling of low self-esteem. Dr. Resnick found a pattern of ‘learned helplessness’, which was also linked to children diagnosed with ‘barriers to learning’.

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