It is hard to decide what business to start...

... not everyone has a clear idea.

This collection of 250 ideas - researched and published by the Ugandan Investment Authority (and published here with their permission) is an incredibly useful resource to help more of us in figuring out what we are really interested in and read enough about it to give us a sense if it fits our talent and passion (and if it makes financial sense)

This is not so much a course as a collection of businesses you can consider and then enough information to give you a better sense if you wish to pursue it. From how much it costs to the kind of resources needed, how much time and potential revenue. Keep in mind it is based on Uganda so you'll have to research the specifics for your own location, but at least you'll have a much better sense of what to look for and gut feeling for the numbers and possibilities.
Dr Kent Gustavson

What you can expect from this course

A short introduction

Course curriculum

    1. Watch this first to understand how to use the course (it will save you a lot of time)

    2. Know yourself if you want to be succesful

    3. Background to where this data and research comes from

    4. Words of encouragement

About this course

  • Free
  • 4 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

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